My name is Carolin and I am a nature and clearing medium.
I love my garden and being connected with nature
and her symmetry is very important to me.
As a herbalist and shamanic healer,
I am always working with all things natural. Be it the elements, crystals, flowers, plants, herbs, runes or the angelic and elemental kingdom.
Most of my work is multidimensional, and therefore helps to
clear and heal multiple layers and lifetimes.
Often ancestral lineage and soul group healings are included as well. This has been part of my personal healing journey and continues to play a big role in my own story and life.

Healing with nature and nature's elements is where my heart lies
and tying shamanism into this
just amplifies the strength and power of healing.
Shamanic healing may also include soul retrieval, journeying or healing on a very deep level.
Often parts of us and our soul go missing when we experience trauma.
We are never quite the same after such an experience, whether it be a childhood incident or an adulthood shock and trauma state.
In a shamanic healing session, soul parts can be retrieved and integrated, as well as pain and trauma can be lifted and energies, frequencies and light are brought in for healing.
This is always done in alignment with the person or animal's highest interest.
All my work is intuitively led by spirit.
Working from a very high frequency, the highest possible
in physical form, allows me to take an overview of you
or an animal or the environment and to tune in on a deep level.
This allows me to see what needs to be lifted and to come back
into balance again. Every session is different and I can never tell what will come up beforehand without taking guidance and
connecting with your main guide.
Working in your highest interest and including your main guide
is quite incredible,
because they have been with you since you were born and
therefore know your purpose and soul plan.

I also teach an intuitive discovery journey.
This brings you in touch with your main guide and we also look at changing your frequency, so that you are able to receive audible and visual communication from any spirit beings, be it your main guide, your gatekeeper, your spirit animal or a loved one in spirit.
If you are a practitioner and you would like to further
your healing or intuitive powers, then I can help with that as well.
We can look at changing your frequency, step by step,
and you can learn to connect in with source and source energy.
This will allow you to take an intuitive overview of anyone and anything, always in highest interest of course.
The higher your physical frequency,
the higher and more powerful your healing frequency will be.
Moving up the 6 step frequency ladder will help with your ascension and teach you to create and make use of powerful tools.
Lindsay Bedford, UK
"It has been an amazing experience and my house/surroundings & self
feel much more together
& comfortable! I have implemented, or am in the process of, most of Carolin's suggestions & am feeling far better than I was at the start of the process. I am very grateful for the opportunity & feel well & protected."
~Client Review
Rosa Flitcroft, Spain
"Powerful life-affirming course delivered with clarity and loving energy by Carolin. I recommend this course to anyone wishing to get to know their unseen spiritual guides and helpers in order to establish a deeper knowing connection as well as understand our energy channels and how to adjust them to improve our daily life experiences. Thank you very much Carolin."
~Energy Channels Course
Steven Kyle, UK
"Carolin is resourceful and
very talented.
I feel it to have been
a great privilege to work with her.
She is very client- centred and produces bespoke high quality material and guidance.
I recommend her unreservedly. "
~Client Review

Nature is not a place to visit. It is HOME.
~Gary Snyder